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NovaNext Training / RedHat / Red Hat / Red Hat Gluster Storage Administration with exam

Red Hat Gluster Storage Administration with exam

4 Giorni
2.852,00 € (iva escl.)
Virtual Classroom
Corso in aula




For candidates who have not earned their RHCSA, confirmation of the needed skills can be obtained by passing the online skills assessment.



I vantaggi per l'organizzazione

Il corso intende sviluppare le competenze necessarie per amministrare un sistema di storage software-defined basato su hardware di largo consumo, in grado di fornire capacità quali fault tolerance, replica geografica, snapshot, tiering e crittografia, abilitando al contempo la crescita dell'infrastruttura di storage in funzione delle esigenze aziendali.

Sebbene Red Hat abbia creato questo corso al fine di avvantaggiare i nostri clienti, ogni azienda e infrastruttura è unica, pertanto i vantaggi o i risultati effettivi possono variare.

I vantaggi per i partecipanti

Alla conclusione del corso, i partecipanti saranno in grado di descrivere l'architettura di Gluster, installare e gestire un cluster Gluster e integrarlo con Red Hat Storage Console.

I candidati dimostreranno, inoltre, le competenze seguenti:

  • Descrivere l'architettura di Gluster
  • Installare un cluster Red Hat Gluster Storage
  • Gestire le operazioni su un cluster Red Hat Gluster Storage
  • Gestire Red Hat Gluster Storage con Red Hat Storage Console


  • Linux system administrators and storage administrators interested in, or responsible for, maintaining large storage clusters using Red Hat Gluster Storage.


  • Install and configure Red Hat Gluster Storage
  • Create and manage different volume types
  • Learn about IP failover for NFS and SMB
  • Explore georeplication
  • Configure network encryption
  • Manage tiering


Deploy scalable, highly available storage on off-the-shelf hardware and in cloud environments

This course is for senior system and storage administrators who are interested in deploying scalable, highly available storage on off-the-shelf hardware and in cloud environments.

This course can help you prepare for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Gluster Storage Administration exam (EX236), which is included with this course.

This course is based on Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.

Students will learn how to install, configure, and maintain a cluster of Red Hat Gluster Storage servers.

The course will also explore highly available common Internet file systems (CIFS) and network file systems (NFS) using Clustered Trivial DataBase (CTDB), unified file and object storage, and geo-replication. Finally, students will learn about the Hadoop plugin for Red Hat Storage, snapshots, and geo-replication.

Accredited training provided in partnership with Esprinet