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NovaNext Training / Cloud / Cloud / Cloud Computing Essentials

Cloud Computing Essentials

2 Giorni
1.200,00 € (iva escl.)
Virtual Classroom
Corso in aula


Luogo Data Iscrizione
A Richiesta
Virtual Classroom 21/10/2024
Virtual Classroom 02/12/2024

The course provides a foundation and addresses the business and technical perspectives of cloud computing.

Topics cover how to best use and manage the cloud.

The course provides participants with the knowledge to take the "CompTIA Cloud Essentials" exam to become Cloud Essentials Certified.



Esperienza sistemistica di base.



• Define common terminology used in cloud computing.

• Identify the characteristics of cloud computing and cloud services from a business perspective.

• Identify the business values of cloud computing

• Explain the different implementation models in cloud computing.

• List the steps to successfully adopt cloud computing services.

• Identify the organizational capabilities that are relevant to realizing the benefits of the cloud.

• List the impact and changes of cloud computing for IT service management.



Introduction to Cloud Computing

Overview of Cloud Computing

Evolution of the Cloud

Specialized Cloud Services

 Business Value of Cloud Computing

Business Need for Cloud Computing

Cloud Scalability

Cloud Security

Impact of Cloud Computing on Business

Technical Perspectives of Cloud Computing

The Cloud Deployment Models

Network Requirements for Cloud Deployment

Automation and Self-Service in Cloud Computing

Federated Cloud Services


 Technical Challenges of Cloud Computing

Cloud Storage

Application Performance

Data Integration

Security Risks and Mitigation

Application Architecture and the Development Process

 Steps to Successful Adoption of Cloud Services

Steps to Adopting Cloud Services

Organizational Capability to Adopt Cloud Services

Cloud Vendor Roles and Capabilities

Migrating Applications to the Cloud

ITIL and Cloud Computing

Overview of ITIL

Planning Service Strategy

Designing Cloud Service

Transitioning to Live Environment

Running a Cloud Service Operation

Continual Service Improvement with the Cloud

Identifying Risks and Consequences

Organizational Risks

Technical Risks

Legal Risks

Cost Evaluation for Cloud Computing

Identify Maintenance Aspects of Strategic Flexibility