The course is structured in three modules: Drive Enterprise Agility, Drive Digital Strategy, Drive Customer Value.
Drive Enterprise Agility
The main contents of the module are:
• Digital World: an increasing VUCA world
- Disruptors, 'black swan': causes and risks
• The response to VUCA factors
- Vision, understanding, clarity, agility
- Co-creation of value and focus on results
- Eliminating waste
• How the way of working in the VUCA world is changing
- Enterprise Agility: Concepts, practical approaches and techniques
Drive Digital Strategy
The main contents of the module are:
• Understanding why organizations need to change the way they do business in the context of digital technology
• Understand the strategic approaches enabled by digital technology to be relevant to the customer/market and achieve operational excellence
• Risks and opportunities of digital strategy
• Steps and techniques involved in defining and planning a digital strategy
• How to implement a digital strategy
• Characteristics of a leader in the digital world (Digital Leadership) Drive Customer Value
The main contents of the module are:
• Understanding Customer Experience (CX)
• Mapping, designing, measuring, improving the customer journey
- Customer Journey maps, personas, stakeholder maps
• Designing a service offering
- Service Design Thinking, Service Blueprinting
• Omnichannel customer engagement
• Tracking and evaluating value realization
- Indicators and metrics
• How to deal with Digital Transformation
- Assessment
- Training
• Final conclusions