Scheda corso
NovaNext Training / Microsoft / Azure / Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

4 Giorni
1.600,00 € (iva escl.)
Virtual Classroom
Corso in aula


Luogo Data Iscrizione
A Richiesta
Virtual Classroom 01/07/2024
Virtual Classroom 28/10/2024

In questo corso gli allievi apprendono conoscenze e competenze necessarie ad implementare e manutenere la sicurezza di una infrastruttura Azure.

Imparano inoltre ad identificare e neutralizzare le vulnerabilità mediante i tool dedicati alla sicurezza. Il corso tratta anche aspetti relativi allo scripting e alla automazione, alla virtualizzazione e alla architettura cloud N-tier.

Questo corso aiuta gli allievi nella preparazione dell’esame di certificazione Microsoft AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies.



Before attending this course, students must have knowledge of:

  • Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate



After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe specialized data classifications on Azure
  • Identify Azure data protection mechanisms
  • Implement Azure data encryption methods
  • Secure Internet protocols and how to implement them on Azure
  • Describe Azure security services and features



Students should have at least one year of hands-on experience securing Azure workloads and experience with security controls for workloads on Azure.



Module 1: Identity and Access

Configure Azure Active Directory for Azure workloads and subscriptions

Configure Azure AD Privileged Identity Management

Configure security for an Azure subscription

 Module 2: Platform Protection

 Understand cloud security

Build a network

Secure network

Implement host security

Implement platform security

Implement subscription security

Module 3: Security Operations

 Configure security services

Configure security policies by using Azure Security Center

Manage security alerts

Respond to and remediate security issues

Create security baselines

 Module 4: Data and applications

 Configure security policies to manage data

Configure security for data infrastructure

Configure encryption for data at rest

Understand application security

Implement security for application lifecycle

Secure applications

Configure and manage Azure Key Vault