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NovaNext Training / Oracle / Java Technology / Architect Enterprise Applications with Java EE

Architect Enterprise Applications with Java EE

5 Giorni
2.950,00 € (iva escl.)
Virtual Classroom
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This Architect Enterprise Applications with Java EE training teaches you how to develop robust architectures for enterprise Java applications.

Learn how to use Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) technology



Prerequisiti obbligatori:

  • Describe distributed computing and communication concepts
  • Describe, in outline form, all Java EE technologies, including Enterprise JavaBeans, servlets, JavaServer Pages, and JavaServer Faces
  • Perform analysis and design of object-oriented software systems
  • Use a notation, such as the UML, for modeling object-oriented systems
  • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML

Prerequisiti suggeriti : 

  • Web Component Development with Servlets & JSPs, Java EE 6
  • Business Component Development with EJB Technology, Java EE 6
  • Java EE 5 Patterns 


  • Make good use of Java EE component technologies to solve typical problems in system architecture
  • Derive software systems using techniques outlined in the Java EE Blueprint and solutions defined in the Java EE Patterns
  • Address quality-of-service requirements in a cost-effective manner using engineering trade-off techniques
  • Describe the role of the architect and the products an architect delivers
  • List and describe typical problems associated with large-scale enterprise systems



Introducing Enterprise Architecture

What is Enterprise Architecture?

An Architect’s Roles and Responsibilities

Introducing Fundamental Architectural Concepts

Distinguish between architecture and design

Architectural Patterns

Architectural Deliverable Artifacts

What is an Enterprise Architecture Framework

4 + 1 View Model

Architectural Modeling Using UML

Architecture Workflow

What is an Enterprise Architecture Framework

Developing a Security Architecture

Analyzing the Impact of Security in Distributed Computing

Examining Security in the Java EE Technology

Understanding Web Services Security

Understanding Non-Functional Requirements

Examining Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs)

Common Practices for Improving Qualities

Prioritizing Quality-of-Service (QoS) Requirements

Inspecting QoS Requirements for Trade-offs

Defining Common Problems and Solutions: Risk Factors and System 


Identifying Risk Factors

Designing a Flexible Object Model

Defining Common Problems and Solutions: Network, Transaction and 

Capacity Planning

Describing Network Communication Guidelines

Justifying the Use of Transactions

Planning System Capacity

Java EE 6 Overview

Java EE 6 Goals

Java EE Containers

Classic Java EE 5 Architecture

Impact of Java EE 6 on Architecture

Developing an Architecture for the Client Tier

Client Tier Development Roles

Information Architecture Client Concerns

Selecting User Interface Devices and Technologies

Discovering Reusability in the Client Tier

Deployment Strategies for the User Interface

Security Concerns in the Client Tier


Developing an Architecture for the Web Tier

Responsibilities of the Web Tier

Seperation of Concerns

Comparing Web Tier Frameworks

Providing Security in the Web Tier

Scaling the Web Tier

Developing an Architecture for the Business Tier

Business Tier Technologies

Architecting the Domain Model

Development Best Practices

Developing an Architecture for the Integration and Resource Tiers

Examining Enterprise Information System Integration

Reviewing Java Integration Technologies

Applying Integration Patterns

Examining Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Evaluating the Software Architecture

Evaluating Software Architectures

Evaluating Java EE Technologies

Creating System Prototypes

Selecting Servers and Frameworks